woman holding her ear

Watching for Early Signs of Hearing Loss

Have you ever found yourself struggling to hear in noisy environments, or constantly ringing in your ears? These could be early signs of hearing loss. The good news is that early detection and treatment can lead to better outcomes and improved quality of life. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the common causes of hearing loss, the early signs to watch out for, and the importance of getting your hearing checked.


Common causes of hearing loss


Hearing loss can be caused by a variety of factors, including exposure to loud noise, aging, and medical conditions.


Noise-induced hearing loss is caused by prolonged exposure to loud noises, such as working in a loud environment or attending loud concerts.


Age-related hearing loss, also known as presbycusis, is a natural part of the aging process and is more common in people over the age of 60.


Medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain medications can also lead to hearing loss.


Early signs of hearing loss


It’s important to be aware of the early signs of hearing loss so you can take action and protect your hearing.


  1. Children’s voices are hard to hear or muffled.

    When your inner ear organ, the cochlea, which helps you hear, wears down with age, the cells that pick up high-pitched sounds tend to be the first to go. This can make it harder to understand people with high-pitched voices, like children and women. It’s also why you might not hear your microwave beep or the crickets chirp after the sun goes down.


  1. It’s hard to understand what’s being said in noisy places.

    Malls and restaurants usually have low-pitched background noise, while letters like “f” and “s” have high-pitched sounds. If you have trouble hearing high tones, you’ll be able to listen to the noise around you better than the people talking. Changes in how the brain processes sound as people age can also make it harder to ignore background noise.


  1. Going to social events wears you out.

    When you can’t hear all the sounds of speech, your brain has to fill in the blanks to figure out what people are saying. That requires a lot of concentration, especially when more than one person is talking at once. After social events, you might be tired from all this work. Hearing aids that are put in by a pro could help. Talk to your doctor or an audiologist if this sounds like you.


  1. You look at people’s lips instead of looking them in the eyes. 


When one sense isn’t as good as it used to be, the brain tries to compensate for it by using another reason. In this case, it uses eyesight more. Imagine how a person’s lips look when they say “f” or “p.” You can “see” these sounds even if you can’t hear them. This could cause you to look at the speaker’s mouth when you can’t hear.


  1. Your ears feel stuffed up. 


This can happen when there is too much wax or fluid in your ears. But if your doctor says your ears look fine, you should still get your hearing checked. Hearing loss that comes with age can make sounds seem dull or muffled, which may make you feel like your ears are clogged.


  1. The TV sound keeps getting louder. 


Talk, sound effects, and music are often all mixed together in TV shows. When you hear low tones better than high tones, parts of the speech can get lost in the music and effects. You may need to increase the volume to hear what the characters say. If other people in your house say the TV is too loud, you should get your hearing checked.


If you’re experiencing any of these signs, it’s a good idea to get your hearing checked. Early detection and treatment can lead to better outcomes and improved quality of life. Hearing aids and other assistive devices can help improve communication and increase independence.

In fact, some studies have also shown that untreated hearing loss can lead to a decline in cognitive function and an increased risk of falls.


How to get your hearing checked


There are several options for getting your hearing checked, including visiting an audiologist or taking a self-administered online test.


An audiologist is a licensed professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of hearing loss. They will conduct a comprehensive hearing test and provide recommendations for treatment. 


Hearing loss is a common problem, but early detection and treatment can lead to better outcomes and improved quality of life. If you’re experiencing any of the early signs of hearing loss, it’s important to get your hearing checked. At our hearing practice, we offer comprehensive hearing tests and personalized treatment plans to help you regain your hearing and improve your quality of life. Don’t wait, schedule your appointment today and take the first step towards better hearing.